downgoing slab造句
- At times some of the metamorphosed downgoing slab may be thrust up or obducted onto the continental margin.
- The volcanic arc is the surface expression of the magma that is generated by hydrous melting of the mantle above the downgoing slab.
- A study reported in 2016 found that the largest megathrust quakes are associated with downgoing slabs with the shallowest dip, so-called " flat slab subduction ".
- The volcanism associated with these islands occurs at the northeast closure of the downgoing slab and began approximately during the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene ( 1.5-1.7 Ma ).
- Mineralogy may also play a role, as locally metastable olivine will form areas of positive buoyancy, even in a cold downgoing slab, and this could cause slabs to'stall out'at the increased density of the 660-km phase transition.
- It's difficult to see downgoing slab in a sentence. 用downgoing slab造句挺难的
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